2024 Competitions launched
Our 2024 Bloom Awards have been launched. These include the Children's Art Competition, the Harrogate in Bloom Awards and the School Garden Competition.
Harrogate in Bloom is delighted by all the floral contributions made in our town, so if you're proud of your horticultural achievements we invite you to enter our 2024 competitions.
Full details and entry forms can be found on our Competitions page.
Our first competition of the year is the Children’s Art Competition. This year children between the ages of seven and eleven years are challenged to design a flower bed on the theme of “Peace”, which will be planted in 2025, on the circular bed near the main entrance of the Valley Gardens.
Pubs & restaurants, Hotels & Guest Houses, Residential communities and Communal Grounds can all start to plan their entries for the Harrogate in Bloom Awards. The judges will be looking for beautiful, clean, well-planted and well-maintained areas
We all know that gardening engages all sorts of senses and helps children develop many different skills, so for the second year, all schools are invited to enter the School Garden Competition to find the best school garden in Harrogate.
Judging will take place in the summer and the results will be announced at the “Harrogate in Bloom” Awards evening on 19th September at The West Park Hotel.